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Bebepool Sweet 16th

Published 2021-03-10 21:40

For May of last year I was planning to commemorate 15 years of Bebepool. The last birthday post was to celebrate a 10th birthday, so I was going for the every five years thing.

And then 2020 happened.

In case this blog post gets unearthed by future archiologists that only have indecipherable memes to go on, let me state it for the record: a global pandemic happened (and still is happening).

So, like so much else, this little write-up was deferred. My family and I are so far in good health; though we've had scares, millions of us have. I have much to be thankful for. I also mourn for those who have died to this decease, and with those who lost beloved ones. It's all been so much, and it's not over. But we carry on, we hold onto hope, and care for each other as we wade through.

We're nearing May a year later so I titled this Bebepool Sweet 16th. So doing the math, there are bebepool kids out there who are about to get their drivers license. Cool.

At the ripe old age (in internet years) of 16, the bebepool engine code needed an overhaul; it began in the PHP 4/5 stack era (more timeline here), and version 5 is very much not officially supported any more. In the past month I modernized the bebepool code base and relaunched—if that buys another 10 to 15 years of a stable base, I'll be happy with that. With the exception of the login screen and the invite/update emailing function, all the features you might be familiar with should be the same.

Bebepool remains free, as it's always been.

When I created bebepool it was moreover supplimentary to these life celebrations, but with the advent of isolation unlike any known for generations, for some it may be an avenue to connect in lieu of because only viritual options are feasible right now. Whatever the case for you, I hope this site has helped make your day a bit brighter.

bebepool creator / administrator