Google++ Extensions
Golden View Popup Link Keeper
In-page, intelligent link saving Chrome browser extension app integrating:
Google Search,
Pocket (formerly Read It Later),
Instapaper, and
Golden View for Google+ - Chrome Extension - Initial Release July 18, 2011:
Chrome Web Store Install page
(short URL: )
Compatibility: Chrome only (see below for cross-browser scripts)
Discussion: on Google+
Code Project:
Extensions (user scripts):
User Mute - Mutes all posts by specific users.
Default Circle - Set a circle as default (instead of Stream).
Hide Images - Hide image: original and all shares.
Hide Comments - Hide comments (option hide all by default).
Search With Google - Search Google+ w/ Google Search.
Hide Sidebars - Hide left & right side bars, widen middle.
Compatibility: All Google++ extensions / userscripts below should work on:
Firefox w/ Greasemonkey (download)
GooglePlusPlus User Mute
General Information
The googleplusplus_user_mute
userscript / extension for Google+ (aka Google Plus aka G+) mutes all posts by specific users. Click MUTE USER link next to the Public/Limited status. Once muted, a placeholder for each post appears with {User Name} UNMUTE, which if clicked will stop muting that particular user.
Shared posts where the originator is muted also get muted and in the placeholder appears: (MUTED SHARE – SEE ORIGINAL POSTER TO UNMUTE). Clicking SEE ORIGINAL POSTER TO UNMUTE takes you to the originator's profile where you can UNMUTE them.
Fork project (github)
GooglePlusPlus Default Circle
General Information
The googleplusplus_default_circle
userscript / extension for Google Plus (aka Google+ aka G+) adds a star next to each circle stream name. The star can be clicked to set or unset one circle stream as your default. When a default is set, going to the Stream view (which is an aggregate of all your circles) you automatically get redirected to your default stream.
Effectively, you can make one of your circles as the new everything you want to see by default based on one circle not all circles.
Fork project (github)
GooglePlusPlus Hide Images
is a user script for Google Plus (aka Google+ aka G+) that adds a button under each Google Plus post image to hide it (toggle show / hide). Hides the image on original post and all shared posts. Tired of an animated GIF that keeps getting shared over and over in different posts? - hide it once an forget about it.
Fork project (github)
GooglePlusPlus Hide Comments
General Information
The googleplusplus_hide_comments
userscript for Google Plus adds a Hide Comments or Show Comments link on each post; this feature is sticky (the hidden or shown state is recorded in the browser's local storage).
Fork project (github)
Alternate Versions
Alt version "hidden" hides all comments by default (as opposed to comments being visible by default using the standard version). The standard and alt versions work exactly the same in all other ways.
Install Alternate Version "hidden" - Hide all comments by default":
Installing more than one version: The scripts are named, namespaced and versioned exactly the same so installing one over-writes a previous primary or alt version. In the description will be an ALTERNATE VERSION clause only in an alt script.
Note to Developers: The _build.rb build script creates alternate script versions. At this time there is one currently supported alt version, "hidden".
GooglePlusPlus Search With Google
is a user script for Google Plus (aka Google+ aka G+) that toggles the built-in search input Find People with another option: Search Google Plus with the Google search engine using the site: filter.
Click TOGGLE SEARCH TYPE link to toggle between Find People and Search with Google.
Fork project (github)
GooglePlusPlus Hide Sidebars
The googleplusplus_hide_sidebars
is a user script for Google Plus (aka Google+ aka G+) that adds a feature to hide/show left and right side bars, and makes the main content wider. This feature is sticky and will show either a Hide Sidebars link or Show Sidebars link.
Fork project (github)